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Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer with Bandwidth 0.1/0.2/0.4/1.0/2.0nm
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Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom SCITEK SP-AA4530
Produk Kategori Utama
Agricultural Lab Solution
Autoclaves & Sterilizers
Automated External Defibrillator
Blood Bank Equipment
Cold Chain Products
Corrosion Meter
Electrophoresis & Imaging
Environmental Monitoring
Filtration Apparatus
Gas analyzer
Grinding Machine
Hardness Tester
Hotplates and Stirrers
In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD)
Kjeldahl Apparatus
Lab Gas Generator
Labs Water Distiller
Labware Cleaning System
Microbiological Equipment
Microwave Digestion
Ovens and Furnaces
Pathology Lab Equipment
PCR Analyzers
Pharmaceutical Testing
Physical Measurement
Sample Pre-Treatment Products
Shaker Mixer Stirrers
TOC Analyzer
Vein Finder
Ventilation Products
Water Bath
Water Purification
Water Quality Tester
Whiteness Tester
Wireless Glove Integrity Tester
Select a category
Select a category
− Agricultural Lab Solution
−− Alveograph
−− Amylose Tester
−− Chlorophyll Meter
−− Electronic Extensograph
−− Falling Number Meter
−− Flour Checking Sieve
−− Flour Quality Analyzer
−− Fruit Sclerometer
−− Gluten Tester
−− GPS Area Meter
−− Grain Hardness Meter
−− Lab Hammer Mill
−− Lab Whirlwind Mill
−− Leaf Thickness Gauge
−− Moisture meter
−− Pest Killing Lamp
−− Pesticide Residue Meter
−− Plant Canopy Analyzer (PCA)
−− Plant Nutrition Analyzer
−− Plant Photosynthesis Meter
−− Plant Porometer
−− Plant Transpiration Rate Meter
−− Seed Counter
−− Soil Compaction Tester
−− Soil Irrometer Tensiometer
−− Soil Moisture Meter
−− Soil Nutrient Tester
−− Soil pH-Moisture Meter
−− Soil Respiration Meter
−− Soil Tester
−− Weather Monitor System
−− Wheat Thresher
− Autoclaves & Sterilizers
−− Benchtop Class B Autoclave
−− Benchtop Class N Autoclave
−− Cassette Sterilizer
−− Horizontal Pressure Steam Autoclave
−− Horizontal Pulse Vacuum Autoclave
−− Hot Air Sterilizer
−− Hydrogen Peroxide Plasma Sterilizer
−− Other Sterilizer
−− Portable Autoclave
−− Vertical Autoclave
−− Vertical Pressure Steam Sterilizer
−− Vertical Pulse Vacuum Autoclave
−− Vertical Pulse Vacuum Steam Autoclave
− Automated External Defibrillator
− Balances
−− 0.00001g/0.0001g Semi-micro Analytical Balance
−− 0.0001g Electronic Analytical Balance
−− 0.001g Electronic Analytical Balance (External Calibration)
−− 0.01g Electronic Analytical Balance (External Calibration)
−− 0.1g Electronic Balance
−− Electronic Counting Scale
−− Electronic Platform Scale
−− Halogen Moisture Analyzer
− Blood Bank Equipment
− Calorimeter
− Centrifuges
−− High Speed Centrifuges
−− Low-speed centrifuges
−− Mini Centrifuges
−− Other Functions Centrifuges
−− Refrigerated Centrifuges
−−− High Speed Refrigerated Centrifuges
−−− Low Speed Refrigerated Centrifuges
− Chromatograph
−− Gas Chromatograph
−− Ion chromatograph
−− Liquid Chromatograph
− Cold Chain Products
− Corrosion Meter
− Electrophoresis & Imaging
− Environmental Monitoring
− Evaporators
−− Rotary Evaporator
− Filtration Apparatus
− Gas analyzer
− Grinding Machine
− Hardness Tester
− Hotplates and Stirrers
−− Hotplates
−− Stirrers
−− Stirring Heating Mantles
− In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD)
−− Biochemistry Analyzer
−− Coagulation Analyzer
−− Electrolyte Analyzer
−− Elisa Microplate Reader
−− Elisa Microplate Washer
−− ESR Analyzer
−− Hematology Analyzer
−− Urine Analyzer
− Incubators
−− Anaerobic Chamber
−− Automatic Egg Incubator
−− BOD Incubator
−− Climate Incubator
−− CO2 incubator
−− Constant Temperature & Humidity Incubator
−− Lighting Incubator
−− Mould Incubator
−− Platelet Incubator
−− Shaking Incubator
−− Stability Chamber
−− Thermostatic Incubator
− Kjeldahl Apparatus
−− Acid-base Neutralizing Apparatus
−− Digestion furnace
−− Exhaust System Scrubber
−− Fat/Fiber Analyzer
−− Kjeldahl Analyzer
−− Kjeldahl/Graphite Digester
−− Waste Gas Collection Hood
− Lab Gas Generator
− Labs Water Distiller
− Labware Cleaning System
− Microbiological Equipment
−− 3D Cell Culture System
−− Anaerobic Jar
−− Biological Air Sampler
−− Bioreaktor
−− Colony Counter
− Microscopes
− Microwave Digestion
− Ovens and Furnaces
−− Drying Oven
−− Drying Oven Incubator (Dual-use)
−− Muffle Furnace
− Pathology Lab Equipment
− PCR Analyzers
− Pharmaceutical Testing
−− Disintegration Time Limit Tester
−− Dissolution Tester
−− Gelatin Gel Strength Tester
−− Tablet Four-usage Tester
−− Tablet Friability Tester
−− Tablet Hardness Tester
−− Thawing Time Limit Tester
−− Thickness Tester
−− Transparency Tester
− Physical Measurement
−− Flash Point Tester
−− Freezing Point Osmometer
−− Melting Point Tester
−− Polarimeter
−− Refractometer
−− Turbidity Meter
−− Viscometer
− Pipette
− Sample Pre-Treatment Products
−− Biological Indicator Incubator
−− Dry Bath
−− Dry Bath Incubator
−− Hybridization instrument
−− Microplate Incubator
−− Plate Sealer
−− Sample Concentrator
− Shaker Mixer Stirrers
−− Mixer
−− Shaker
−− Stirrers
− Spectrophotometer
−− Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
−− Colorimeter
−− Double Beam UV VIS
−− Flame Photometer
−− Fluorescence Spectrophotometer
−− Microvolume UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
−− NIR Spectrophotometer
−− Touch Screen UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
−− UV Vis Spectrophotometer
−− Visible Spectrophotometer
− TOC Analyzer
− Vein Finder
− Ventilation Products
−− Air Purifier
−− Biological Safety Cabinet
−− Fume Hood
−− Laminar Flow Cabinet
−− PCR Cabinet
− Water Bath
−− Thermostatic Shaking Water Bath
−− Thermostatic water bath
−− Thermostatic Water Tank
−− Transparent Water Bath
− Water Purification
− Water Quality Tester
−− BOD Analyzer
−− COD Analyzer
−− Conductivity Meter
−− Copper Meter
−− DO Meter
−− Hydrazine Meter
−− Ion Meter
−− Iron Meter
−− Multiparameter Water Quality Tester
−− ORP Meter
−− PH Tester
−− Phosphate Meter
−− Salinity Tester
−− Silica Meter
−− TDS Meter
−− Water Activity Meter
−− Water Hardness Tester
− Whiteness Tester
− Wireless Glove Integrity Tester
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